Origami Owl

Origami Owl's offers meaningful, customizable jewelry every day. Now, thousands of Independent Designers introduce new people to Origami Owl's in their communities across the U.S. and Canada.
Origami Owl's Compensatin Plan Type is Unilevel
In the unilevel plan, which is used by Origami Owl, all directly sponsored members who are recruited by the Origami Owl independent distributor are placed under him/her into a single business level. Additional levels are then created as those sponsored members build teams.
The uni-level compensation plan typically will payout on several levels below the distributor, depending on his/her rank.
For example, new Origami Owl distributors who are just starting out may only earn commission on the sales volume of their directly sponsored team members or level one. Once they achieve a higher career rank, they may earn commission on levels below their directly sponsored team members. Future rank advancements may include additional levels of commissions earned farther down their sponsor tree.
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