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Main Office
Comp Plan
$109.00 Million
Est. Annual Sales
Industry Category
Sales & Transfers

Other companies allow you to build a business around a specific niche, however 5Linx offers a unique approach to the traditional offering. By arming you with a variety of products and services that cater to the different needs and wants of friends, family, and others you'll have more chances to build a successful business.

5Linx takes a holistic approach to serving their customers and helping their associates achieve their financial goals with everything from essential products like coffee and tea, and everyday necessities such as energy, television, and Internet service. They also offer financial products such as credit restoration to protect your financial future, as well as a line of business services such as merchant processing, commercial energy, and text marketing.

5Linx's Compensatin Plan Type is Unilevel

In the unilevel plan, which is used by 5Linx, all directly sponsored members who are recruited by the 5Linx independent distributor are placed under him/her into a single business level. Additional levels are then created as those sponsored members build teams.

The uni-level compensation plan typically will payout on several levels below the distributor, depending on his/her rank.

For example, new 5Linx distributors who are just starting out may only earn commission on the sales volume of their directly sponsored team members or level one. Once they achieve a higher career rank, they may earn commission on levels below their directly sponsored team members. Future rank advancements may include additional levels of commissions earned farther down their sponsor tree.

5Linx Address Info

400 Andrews St
Suite 400
Rochester New York 14604
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Considerations when choosing a health and wellness direct selling company

People looking to start working with a health and wellness MLM company should first study the existing trends and focus on a niche they find compelling. Some of the top fields include weight loss, anti-aging, diabetes, reproductive health, and fitness.

But how do you pick the best health and wellness MLM company for you? You can choose from larger businesses whose well-established popularity will help you promote and sell your products more efficiently.

Alternatively, you can opt for smaller but driven companies with substantial potential for growth. That way, you may find it easier to climb the corporate hierarchy and become a leader in your branch.

When choosing a product to sell, pick an option you deeply believe will benefit your customers. Another crucial aspect to consider is the commission. Most health and wellness MLM companies offer 20-40% commission on all sales. Some also provide material bonuses for their top weekly, monthly, and yearly performers.