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CARLISLE invites you to be a part of our community, one where we empower women to become their own entrepreneurs and create a life that they want. A dynamic network of confident, timeless women to inspire your wardrobe ' imagine the possibilities you can create with CARLISLE.

Carlisle Address Info

16 East 52nd Street
New York NY 10022
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Considerations When Choosing a Style and Fashion Direct Selling Company

Customer Base for the Product - Although this should not be your only reason for joining, it should be close to the top. When choosing a fashion direct sales company, you should consider the products’ potential for profit. Pay attention to their clothing prices and quality because customers consider both before making purchases.

Brand Legitimacy - You should have done your research before you pick a company. This is especially true when the company is a new one. It is safer to work with large companies as they are relatively risk-free.

Compensation Plans - It is crucial to choose a company that offers a good business opportunity package. Although direct sales is not a shortcut to wealth, if you can work hard to build a large customer base, you should earn enough income. Always properly check the breakdown of their payment plan and business requirements before you decide to get started.

Startup Costs - You also need to consider how much you will initially invest in the company. Usually, you can determine the legitimacy of a direct sales company from their initial fees. Also, consider any additional monthly or annual membership fees that would be paid.