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Hybrid Binary
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Max International is a global leader in Glutathione enhancing products. The company provides the life-changing benefits of its patented, science-based products to the world and provides only the highest quality scientifically-based health and beauty products. Max International was founded by Steven Scott. Their patented compound, RiboCeine, has been the subject of over 20 independent peer-reviewed studies.

Max International's Compensatin Plan Type is HybridBinary

Max International uses a hybrid binary plan, where an additional compensation plan is combined with the binary plan to allow Max International distributors to earn commissions and bonuses in addition to those offered in only a traditional binary plan.

The most common hybrid binary plan combines a uni-level plan with the binary plan tree to allow a distributor to earn additional commissions based on the direct sponsored team members. In this model, the Max International distributor would have two views of her genealogy tree. One is referred to as her sponsor tree (containing her directly sponsored team members), and the second is her binary tree which represents her position in her sponsor's binary legs.

Max International Address Info

68 S Main Street
9th Floor

Max International Contact Info

Max International
Cellgevity: Max International's Advanced RiboCeine Technology
Look, Feel, and Live to the Max with Cellgevity’s Advanced RiboCeine Technology. Cellgevity combines our proprietary RiboCeine technology with 12 potent anti...
MaxOne: Max International's Focused RiboCeine Supplementation
MaxOne features Max International’s proprietary RiboCeine technology to help support your body's production of glutathione, giving your body the health and w...
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Considerations when choosing a health and wellness direct selling company

People looking to start working with a health and wellness MLM company should first study the existing trends and focus on a niche they find compelling. Some of the top fields include weight loss, anti-aging, diabetes, reproductive health, and fitness.

But how do you pick the best health and wellness MLM company for you? You can choose from larger businesses whose well-established popularity will help you promote and sell your products more efficiently.

Alternatively, you can opt for smaller but driven companies with substantial potential for growth. That way, you may find it easier to climb the corporate hierarchy and become a leader in your branch.

When choosing a product to sell, pick an option you deeply believe will benefit your customers. Another crucial aspect to consider is the commission. Most health and wellness MLM companies offer 20-40% commission on all sales. Some also provide material bonuses for their top weekly, monthly, and yearly performers.