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Main Office
Comp Plan
$2.00 Million
Est. Annual Sales
Industry Category
Sales & Transfers

With the help of science-backed and cutting-edge health supplements and products, Unicity Int. thrives to improve people's health and life. Their 400+ products can be found in more than 50 countries worldwide, in different categories such as weight loss, Matcha products, fitness, men's and women's health, anti-aging, bone and joint, immune support, and so on.

Producing and selling such incredible and life-transforming products required more than just generic sales. It required a personal touch and face-to-face customer help and support. For this reason, the team of Unicity Int. decided to use a highly personal, direct sales model which is not only beneficial for customers, but also for distributors. Unicity Int. distributors are earning money by sharing and presenting the company's product. Whether you will take this as a part-time or as a full-time job is entirely up to you and your ambitions.

Unicity Int. Address Info

1201 North 800 East
Orem Utah 84097

Unicity Int. Contact Info

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Considerations when choosing a health and wellness direct selling company

People looking to start working with a health and wellness MLM company should first study the existing trends and focus on a niche they find compelling. Some of the top fields include weight loss, anti-aging, diabetes, reproductive health, and fitness.

But how do you pick the best health and wellness MLM company for you? You can choose from larger businesses whose well-established popularity will help you promote and sell your products more efficiently.

Alternatively, you can opt for smaller but driven companies with substantial potential for growth. That way, you may find it easier to climb the corporate hierarchy and become a leader in your branch.

When choosing a product to sell, pick an option you deeply believe will benefit your customers. Another crucial aspect to consider is the commission. Most health and wellness MLM companies offer 20-40% commission on all sales. Some also provide material bonuses for their top weekly, monthly, and yearly performers.