
"Your health is personal, not a guessing game." Keeping this as the base of the entire business model, Zinzino claims to revolutionize the fish oil industry by balancing Omega-6:3, Vitamin D, and sugar through a personalized test-based process.
With Zinzino's Balance test, Vitamin D test, and HbA1c test, the users simply find the amount of fatty acids, vitamins, and sugar in their blood and then use Zinzino's personalized products to balance these blood components.
Given the vast market of over 1 billion people, Zinzino has remained one of the fastest direct-selling companies in Europe and has already been featured on NASDAQ. The company operates in 100+ markets, with over 350,000 plus customers and 750,000 balance tests performed already.
Given the current growth rate, Zinzino is projected to accumulate a total customer base of around 1 million by 2025 and over 20 million consumers by 2025 as the industry grows. The company currently generates around $143 million in estimated annual sales, with one of Europe's largest networks of independent sales representatives.
The company is generally well-perceived among users and opportunity seekers due to its product effectiveness and systemized compensation plans. Plus, it is eager to contribute to creating a better world for people and sponsors over 1000 children's education and supports 796 families. So far, Zinzino has donated nearly 500,000 to the cause.
Zinzino works in a very selective market. Following are all the product categories Zinzino offers to its consumers:
Zinzino Home Health Tests
Zinzino home health test is an easy way to find out the Omega-3 index score, cell membrane fluidity index, Omega brain food index, blood sugar levels, etc., of your blood. You order one of the test kits containing a sample card, a customer I'd, and a puncturing device.
After putting your blood on the sample card, you let it dry for 10 minutes, put the sample card in an envelope, and send it to the given address. The blood is then tested in Vita's laboratory, one of Zinzino's partners. You can check the results later at the company's website using your I'd, with a recommended prescription.
The test should be conducted every 4 months to adjust the supplement intake depending on the blood's status.
Omega Supplements
This category includes Zinzino's Fish oil range specially formulated to help the consumers balance their overall Omega-6,3 blood index and support their cardiovascular, mental, and skeletal health, as well as muscle health. The omega supplements are available in three varieties, depending on the user's needs.
Scientific Skincare
It contains two serums, one to fulfill your daily skincare routine and the other to prevent and reverse aging signs on the skin, e.g., wrinkles. With refreshing and firming vitamins and nutrients, the serums ensure that the users retain their youth for a long time.
Zinzino 's Compensatin Plan Type is HybridBinary
Zinzino uses a hybrid binary plan, where an additional compensation plan is combined with the binary plan to allow Zinzino partners to earn commissions and bonuses in addition to those offered in only a traditional binary plan.
The most common hybrid binary plan combines a uni-level plan with the binary plan tree to allow a partner to earn additional commissions based on the direct sponsored team members. In this model, the Zinzino partner would have two views of her genealogy tree. One is referred to as her sponsor tree (containing her directly sponsored team members), and the second is her binary tree which represents her position in her sponsor's binary legs.
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